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3G Phones, Energy Smart Meters and the Neoliberal Fantasy

Below is a link to an Opinion piece I ghost wrote and which was published today in Adelaide’s online news site, InDaily. It is a critique of the narrowness of industry initiatives and regulatory responses to the impending closure of the 3G mobile network and the roll out of energy…

Technofeudalism – Some Thoughts to Add to the Argument

Yanis Varoufarskis’ book, Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism, draws heavily on two books that I began this blog series discussing: Shawna Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism and McKenzie Wark’s Capital is Dead: Is This Something Worse?. Given this background, I was more than interested to hear Varoufarkis talk at Adelaide Writers’ Week, and to read the book. My…

Taxpayers Hide in Bathrooms: Arts Funding and the Public Good

This week I attended an arts show, I Hide in Bathrooms, as part of the Adelaide Festival. The show was an interesting one-woman performance which traversed difficult issues of death, sorrow, fear and the contradictory feelings of the loss of a loved one. So what has this got to do…

Premier Malinauskas’ “Full Employment” – a dangerous definition

This week (21 February 2024) on ABC Radio National, the South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas told the country that we have full employment in the state. It is a claim I have heard him make before. Given that I think that full employment is a historical myth, at best an…

Compare the Pair: Income Inequality on the Same Income

Can a homeowner really be $30,000 a year better off than a renter with the same income? We are all familiar with superannuation ads asking us to “compare the pair”: two otherwise similar workers in different superannuation funds getting very different financial outcomes. Today I want to do a similar…


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